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203 questions!

Show Your Love for Kyōto

How well do you know Japan's most beautiful city? Challenging questions about sightseeing spots, history and culture. Tourist or Kyōto insider - find out here!

The KyotoQuiz is a quiz game for everyone who fell in love with one of the most beautiful cities on earth: Kyōto.

More than 200 challenging questions will show if you're a only transit tourist or a real Kyōto insider.

  • In which Japanese region is Kyōto located?
  • What was the former name of Kyōto?
  • Which "petrified" animals await tourists at the Fushimi Inari-Taisha shrine?

To succeed in the KyotoQuiz you're confronted with questions from various topics, for example sightseeing spots, history, religion, festivals and food.

Only if you know all the facets of Kyoto and do not make a single mistake, you will reach a top ranking in the Championship Mode. But don't worry. You can use three different kinds of jokers: Skip a question, pause the timer or remove so many answers until only one right and one wrong answer is left. If you like it a little less competitive we invite you to the Free Play Mode where you can play as many questions as you like.

Got a highscore? Let you friends know you're a Kyōto expert! You can share your results and ranking easily via Facebook.

Have fun quizzing!

Your Quizpiggy Team

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